Saturday, November 6, 2010

I Take It All Back! (Megamind Review)

"Sometimes, it felt like it was just Minion and me, against the whole world..."

Hello once again from Cody The Maverick!

Some of you might remember my last post, where I gave my voice on this year's animated movies. When it came to Megamind, I said:
"This looks really stupid...and like a ripoff of Despicable..."

Well, you know what? FORGET IT. I take it all back. I just saw it today with my friend for his birthday, and OMYGOSHITWASTOTALYAWESOME. I feel like this is as good a time as any to introduce my movie "review/grading" system. I grade movies based on 5 things:

-Animation (Cinematography for live-action)
-3D (If applliable)
And a little something I like to call:
-The Maverick Factor. It's basicly how the film appeals to me and me alone as well as my life. This includes the "morals."

So let's get this Megamind review started!

Story: 4 out of 5 stars
If it wasn't for Despicable Me comming out back in July, this would have been totaly orignal. And don't get me wrong, it still is. While Despicable was a play on more of the "spy movie" type, Megamind plays around with classic "superhero" movies. I always thought "badguys" were cool, so putting one in the title role instead of the hero was quite a good move. This is a tale of true remdemption, which I'm quite fond of.

Characters: 5 out of 5 stars
OHMYGOSH, someone get me a plushie of Megamind NOW. That guy needs a hug from me NOW. He was such an awesome guy to relate to (then again, dosen't everyone?) and he was quite fleshed out, with a very nice arc. This dosen't mean that the other characters were flat, they were all strong in their personalities as well. Did I mention Megamind's too?

Animation: 4 out of 5 stars
Ok, the animation was beautiful. Of course, this is Dreamworks, not Pixar, so it naturaly would be just a tad uncanny and downgraded. But Dreamworks has been stepping up their game this past year, so you at least have to give them credit.

3D: 5 out of 5 stars
Now, the 3D does help the story along, but the story still wouldn't be harmed if you watched it in 2D. It intagrates so well that you almost forget that you're watching this in 3D. Still, there are a few scenes that are worth the 3D, so if you have the option, pay the extra money for the glasses.

The Maverick Factor: 5 out of 5 stars
Trust me, if Megamind wasn't the "outcast" that he is, I might not have been half as intrested in this film. The sense of being lonely at both the bottom and top of life and having your life have no purpose is something quite orignal, and is handled perfectly with him. The opening has to be my favorite part, just because everyone, including me, relates to him at this point in time. I also loved the "rain scene" (If you've seen it, you'll know what I mean) just because it was so heartbreaking. If anyone knows me, they know that I'm in love with the motif of the reflection, and Megamind does see his reflection at a few points, which at least made me happy. :D

This becomes a final score of: 23 out of 25 stars!

I totaly recomend Megamind! You may not like it, but at least I did!

Tell 'em you got it from the best...
Cody The Maverick, out!

P.S. Guess who broke down and got a Facebook? ME! Check it out here:
(Copy and paste, the stupid link thing isn't working)