Monday, December 6, 2010

I have another blog! This time at LiveJournal!

Man, I just keep giving in to stuff don't I? First Twitter, then Facebook, and now LiveJournal! I'm going to use THIS blog for more formal stuff like movie reviews and such. My LiveJournal is going to be used for more informal, everyday stuff.

Check it out here: or just click the link to the right.

-Cody The Maverick

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I Take It All Back! (Megamind Review)

"Sometimes, it felt like it was just Minion and me, against the whole world..."

Hello once again from Cody The Maverick!

Some of you might remember my last post, where I gave my voice on this year's animated movies. When it came to Megamind, I said:
"This looks really stupid...and like a ripoff of Despicable..."

Well, you know what? FORGET IT. I take it all back. I just saw it today with my friend for his birthday, and OMYGOSHITWASTOTALYAWESOME. I feel like this is as good a time as any to introduce my movie "review/grading" system. I grade movies based on 5 things:

-Animation (Cinematography for live-action)
-3D (If applliable)
And a little something I like to call:
-The Maverick Factor. It's basicly how the film appeals to me and me alone as well as my life. This includes the "morals."

So let's get this Megamind review started!

Story: 4 out of 5 stars
If it wasn't for Despicable Me comming out back in July, this would have been totaly orignal. And don't get me wrong, it still is. While Despicable was a play on more of the "spy movie" type, Megamind plays around with classic "superhero" movies. I always thought "badguys" were cool, so putting one in the title role instead of the hero was quite a good move. This is a tale of true remdemption, which I'm quite fond of.

Characters: 5 out of 5 stars
OHMYGOSH, someone get me a plushie of Megamind NOW. That guy needs a hug from me NOW. He was such an awesome guy to relate to (then again, dosen't everyone?) and he was quite fleshed out, with a very nice arc. This dosen't mean that the other characters were flat, they were all strong in their personalities as well. Did I mention Megamind's too?

Animation: 4 out of 5 stars
Ok, the animation was beautiful. Of course, this is Dreamworks, not Pixar, so it naturaly would be just a tad uncanny and downgraded. But Dreamworks has been stepping up their game this past year, so you at least have to give them credit.

3D: 5 out of 5 stars
Now, the 3D does help the story along, but the story still wouldn't be harmed if you watched it in 2D. It intagrates so well that you almost forget that you're watching this in 3D. Still, there are a few scenes that are worth the 3D, so if you have the option, pay the extra money for the glasses.

The Maverick Factor: 5 out of 5 stars
Trust me, if Megamind wasn't the "outcast" that he is, I might not have been half as intrested in this film. The sense of being lonely at both the bottom and top of life and having your life have no purpose is something quite orignal, and is handled perfectly with him. The opening has to be my favorite part, just because everyone, including me, relates to him at this point in time. I also loved the "rain scene" (If you've seen it, you'll know what I mean) just because it was so heartbreaking. If anyone knows me, they know that I'm in love with the motif of the reflection, and Megamind does see his reflection at a few points, which at least made me happy. :D

This becomes a final score of: 23 out of 25 stars!

I totaly recomend Megamind! You may not like it, but at least I did!

Tell 'em you got it from the best...
Cody The Maverick, out!

P.S. Guess who broke down and got a Facebook? ME! Check it out here:
(Copy and paste, the stupid link thing isn't working)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Looking Back, Looking Ahead: The Animated Movies of 2010

I've wanted to do this for a while, and now that I just got back from seeing LOTG, (poster pictured above) I found the right time. If I want to become a movie reviewer, I'm going to have some movies!
Keep in mind I've only seen a handful of movies on this list, and can only truly voice my opinion on the ones that I've seen.

How to Train your Dragon
Seen once, on April 5, 2010.

Now, I wasn't exicted for this movie when it first came out. Granted, it was from Dreamworks, and it looked kinda...wierd. Until one of my friends wanted me to see it with him. It turned out awesome, and I ended up loving it. It's probaly not one of my top favorite movies, but it's still pretty good. The story was quite orignal, and the animation is beautiful. A whole lot better than what Dreamworks normaly puts out.

Shrek Forever After
Did not see.

Yet ANOTHER Shrek movie? Granted, I've only seen the first Shrek movie, and from what I hear the sequels are kinda...meh. I've heard this one is quite good compared to the other sequels, but nevertheless, I didn't see it, and don't plan to.

Toy Story 3
Seen twice, first viewing on June 22, 2010. Second viewing on July 3, 2010.

Awwwwww...Yeah. The PIXAR movie we've all been wating for. I knew this was coming out 3 years prior, and it was worth the wait. Of course, it was awesome(in all aspects of the word.) I wasn't even a year old when the first movie came out, but I remember watching the first 2 movies all the time on VHS. I grew up with PIXAR, because they're the ones who got me intrested in animation in the first place. However, even though their movies are amazing, I think they might be getting a bit too much credit. Anyway, loved the movie, (quite suprised at the ending) but my favorite character turned out to be Lotso. (Read my fanfic to find out why ;) )

Despicable Me
Seen twice, first viewing on July 16, 2010. Second viewing on August 16, 2010.

Every year, there's an animated movie that comes out...and the trailer looks epicly stupid. But then you see it, and it turns out to epicly AWESOME. Last year, that movie was Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. This year, it was Despicable Me. The 3D was used very well, and the story (even if it was a tad predicable) was orignal in the way it was presented. Gru and Vector were both great characters, and the Minions were really CUTEEEE. I struggled all summer to get a plushie of one, and now that I have one, I hug him every day. :) This is one DVD that I'm most certainly getting.

Alpha and Omega
Did not see (yet)

When I first saw the trailer, it looked stupid. But as time passed, it started looking cool. Even though it still, and the story is overused, I might just see it...

Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole
Seen once, on October 2, 2010.

Considering this came out of the same studio that made Happy Feet (which is one of my most favorite movies of all time) I was quite exicted for this. Perhaps the only reason I wanted to see this was because they might just attach a Happy Feet 2 trailer onto it. (which they didn't. A trailer for HF2 isn't even out yet, and probaly won't be out for another couple months) But just a few days ago, the movie itself started catching my intrest. I just saw it today, and boy, was it epic. The animation is absolutely beautiful, and while the story was just a tad bit weak, the visuals made up for it. I've never read the books, but now I kinda want to...

Not yet released, most likely will not see.

Back to normal Dreamworks fare, are we? This really looks stupid (and now looks like a ripoff of Despicable) and looks almost like Monsters Vs. Aliens, which was equaly wierd. But if one of my friends wants to see it, I guess I'll try it out.

Not yet released, might see.

This looks cool, but after seeing the trailer in the theater a million times, it sort of lost it's cool with me. If it was 2D animated, I would really like to see it. But it's supposed to be "3D with a 2D feel," so, as with MegaMind, I might see this if a friend wants me to.

So that sums up my report of the major animated movies of 2010. Will there be just as many good animated movies in 2011? Only time will tell. :)

-Cody The Maverick

Friday, September 24, 2010

It's The Circle of.....Autism?

You all know the great Lion King song "The Circle of Life" right? Well now it's gone AUTISM! By none other than ME! Check out this all-new version of "The Circle of Life," "The Circle of Autism!" Performed by ME!

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The Circle of Autism (The Autistic Mind)
Performed by Cody The Maverick
Inspired by "The Circle of Life" From Disney's The Lion King
Modified lyrics by Cody The Maverick
Orignal lyrics by Tim Rice
Music by Sir Elton John

-Cody The Maverick

Monday, September 6, 2010

My New Fanfic!!! And School... :(

That's right! My Toy Story 3 fanfic is now complete!
After working on it, on and off, all summer, I'm glad it's finaly finished. It tells the continuing story of Lots O' Huggin' Bear after the events of the movie. Of course, it contains spoilers for the movie, but really, by now, who hasn't seen TS3?

Link to chapter 1:

In other news, I start school tomorrow. (BOOOOOOO!) Yet another long and painful year of high school...but after all this rest during the summer, I'm ready. So you may not see as many blog posts because school might get in the way. I'll try my best... :)

-Cody The Maverick

Friday, July 30, 2010

I'm going to camp...

Every year around this time, I go to my local camp for a week from sunday afternoon to friday evening. Well, the time has come for my 5th year of going to said camp. It is a sleep-away camp, which means no internet access, (um....*gulp* help?) so I find it only natural to warn my internet friends that I will be gone, so they don't think something bad happened to me...XD.

So, let's just cut to the chase...

I'm not going to be online from August 1st to August 6th. I will most likely be back online on August 7th.

Let's hope I have a good time, and I'll see you all next weekend! (maybe I'll write about my camp experience when I get back...)

-Cody The Maverick

EDIT: I'm back! It was quite awesome :) I'm just glad I have internet again. XD
BTW sorry about the lack of posts, I'm kind of out of inspiration...I need ideas!!! But don't worry, I'll think of something in the coming weeks...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Free Family Film Festival :)

I love seeing favorite movies on the big screen, even if i've seen them before (who dosen't?) But once it comes out on DVD, the thrill of seeing it in the theater has kinda worn off.

Well, if said favorite movie is NOT made by Disney, and you live near a little paradise that I like to call a Regal Entertainment Theater, you might know about something called the Free Family Film Festival. (or the FFFF as I like to call it) Where 2 movies are played at 10 AM every Tuesday and Wendsday during the summer :)

Last week at this time I saw Surf's Up at the FFFF. It was awesome seeing it again, because anyone who knows me for any amount of time knows that I LOVE Surf's Up. But aside from seeing it in the theater again, the best part is all the little kids and families seeing it with you. There's a daycare right next to my theater, and their kids went to Surf's Up with me, along with a bunch of other people I don't know...

Hearing the remarks of the little kids is the BEST part! If you're watching the movie for the first time it's just annoying, but if you've seen it's downright hillarious!!!

Now, I just got back from seeing Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (CWACOM) at the FFFF, and I LOVED it! It wasn't in 3D of course, but just seeing the film grain on the movie itself makes me feel all nostalgistic :D And there were a ton, A TON, of people at my viewing. And going back to my point about the little kids' remarks, they were AWESOME during this viewing.

The best one I heard during CWACOM was this:
Cal: (on screen) "Hey Flint! Wanna be in a snowball fight with us?"
Little kid: "Don't you mean ice cream ball fight?"

Not many good ones during Surf's Up, but I remember one little kid going "PENGUIN!" at the start.

I have a name for little kids like this: "What's Chum's." Now how they got that name is an inside joke between me and my buddy Lem. It's a long story.

Also, it's official: I have fallen in love with Despicable Me :D Saw it about 2 weeks ago, LOVED IT. After CWACOM was over I wanted to sneak into DM, but I knew I didn't have time XD I heard it playing in another room, and I started to listen, but I didn't want to be caught so I quickly left. :D I REALLY want to see DM again....but that's another post for another time. ;)

BTW if you want to know if the FFFF is playing at your Regal Theater, click here:

-Cody The Maverick

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Could it be? Cody The Maverick finaly has her own blog? YES! I guess it was about time I make one. *chuckles* I'm thinking of just posting my thoughts on various things, animated movies mostly. (Maybe I'll even do reviews 8D ) In the meantime, (while I learn to work this thing XD )
Check me out on my other sites if you haven't been there before:




and the CWACOM forum that I created:

Cody The Maverick, over-under-and out!
(I think I need a better goodbye catchphrase...)